Sunday, 5 January 2014


The new face of Kenya Goju - Kai is a sign of great things to come,the association  has come of age with the help of Jokyo Mourice Aloo, who is the chief Instructor of and technical head,together with the top leadership under the humble guidance of Sempai Garrison Misumi who is the current Patron,

The rise of the new sport in action again will go along way to bring a new face to the way karate is being managed in the country, a break from the taboo, the current office bears seeks to unite the association, bring in new membership into the association and nurture talent across the board this will be done in phases as they seek to implement the five years strategic plan of the Goju Kai Kenya. This will see the association incorporate a comprehensive insurance policy among other things,

This year was a great year closing with the International Seminar (GASSHUKU) Cum National Grading  being graced by Hanshi Peter Brandon from South Africa and the team participation to the World Goju - kai Championship which we hope for more medals.
As 2014 appraches we greatly thank all the Dojo Heads, Sempai's, Members and the Management for making it a successful year,
hongera wote

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