Saturday, 11 January 2014

The K Attitude.

KARA (empty) TE (hand) DO (the way) Karate is taught in a training hall called a “dojo.” A dojo can take many physical forms, from a school gym to a converted bowling alley or a basement. It is not the physical shape or size of the dojo that is important but rather the attitude and the spirit of the students towards the place of learning. The dojo is almost a sacred place. Most dojo’s allot some time for the practice of meditation. In some, it begins and ends the training session and may last anywhere from a minute to half an hour. At the end of meditation, and upon entering or leaving the dojo, each student must bow to the front of the dojo to show a sign of respect. 
Respect is an integral part of Karate-do and it is shown at all levels. The lower belts show respect to those of higher ranking, with the ultimate respect being shown to the “Sensei.” These gestures comprise a formalized ritual that is part of Karate-do etiquette which determines how one behaves in the dojo, during a sparring match and at tournaments. Etiquette will only be an empty shell of physical movement until made to come alive by a student’s positive attitude. In developing student’s positive attitudes we will stress both the virtues of respect, kindness, courtesy, patience, humility and the drive to develop personal skills to the maximum possible.

Friday, 10 January 2014

The Power of Eye Contact

Getting people to like you is an easy as looking into their eyes. women who fix their gaze on the people they talk to are perceived as more likeable than those who don't found a new study from Dartmouth college, in Hanover, New Hampshire,'' It tells you that you are more interesting than anything else to that person. It also boosts your power of persuasion. if the other people find you likeable they are more likely to pay attention and be convinced by what you say.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Development...and Development

Sports development is key to integrating sports in the society, development seems to be a buzzword once more.but there is development.... and then there is development, its important to separate real sports development programmes from other initiatives that are concerned majorly with tapping of new talents is a by product of development.
Good initiative from cooperates like safari-com sakata ball, Airtel raising star is first is a brilliant concept in trying to bring any outstanding talent that has been missed in the mainstream so that they can be noticed and natured by stake holders in the field from the grass root to the national programmes which integrates local development with structures that are competitive in order to bring out the best, Kenya is pointed in that direction but there is still along way to go in developing sports.

Call It Love

More often than not we have explanations for  our actions, what is significant to us should not affect other who we "love" or rather we are in love with, sometimes we expect  so much from our partner that they bear the cost of our pain or least accommodate our stress thus ending up overstepping our boundaries with our expectations.  it happens most of the times as partners expect their spouses to behave like their "mums& dads" to constantly remind them of their parental figures or accept sexless relationship cause we are tired or not in the mood of it.
Why do we tend to put a lot of our energy into seeing that our partners show or behave in ways that please our ego but we do least to mold their characters that we desire in ourselves? it's much easier to complain about your partner even for our own mistakes. Take this biblical phrase that Jesus uses" it easier to see a spec in your friends eye than in your own" so change starts with us in order to reduce our stress! we really need to deal with the effects of our relationship with our partners in a solid and soberly way or rather try to find ways to cope with her, your parents, children  and most significant of all finding time for your husband or wife.
Taking responsibility for our actions is not easy for most mates in relationships but to justify their actions by making him/her responsible is much easier," men may tend to use work issue as a fact to justify why it's hard for them to spend time with their loved ones. or when her denies him sex and rationalize it with working all day so tired that she shouldn't expect her to be excited, issues of previous relationships, being upset by our partners silence cause you equate it to unspoken hostility, or dis-organized partner because we are compulsively neat?" in all this we all see the other as the cause of the problem not us. Instead of listening and  re establishing a mutual satisfying relationship.
In any relationship its often important to understand that we are all imperfect and we may have been driven to behave as we do because of other issues such as stress, fear, guilt or childhood trauma instead, we self-righteously assert that we value our self so much to put up with our partners concerns or reactions. No matter how imperfect our partners are they are a gift to us, a reflection of our being, companion and a blessing to us instead of an impediment to a fun love life for our relationship to blossoms.