Friday, 30 March 2018


Karate classes enhance calmness, focus and fitness. They provide positive life skills and assist with the goal setting for everything that karate students do. They lay the foundations of self-discipline, providing a positive outlook for home and school.
Practicing karate often aid one to apply themselves more conscientiously at school and home and are less likely to be bullied or become bullies, as they develop greater self-confidence and respect for others. They will learn the importance of learning from their mistakes, responsible, legal and safe behavior, the ability to avoid negative peer pressure and self-defense while reinforcing the virtues of hard work, concentration, planning, and self-discipline and family values. Accomplishments in Karate are often seen in a positive light by prospective employers who rightly attach images of strength, trust and good character to those who study it.
I offer martial arts classes at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. Families can train together in any of the classes. The adult martial art classes are aimed at increasing confidence, flexibility, co-ordination, people skills, self-defense, strength, stamina and improved general fitness. Karate Training is a life changing decision. Classes are energetic, positive, fun and versatile. Those interested can contact us via my blog handle subscriptions.

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